I’m proud to say I am a committee member for @thebiennial’s clínica workshop on “Art: An Empathy Movement!” Join panelistsfrom across the Americas and moderator @BobbyLeFebre as they analyze how artists are employing the transformative power of art to cultivate empathy and encourage civil discourse. #EmpathyInAction #EmpathyInHousing #BOTA19
The Biennial of the Americasis hosting a free clínica workshopon art and empathy featuring speakers from across the Americas! Come to McNichols Building September 25 for asession on howartists are employing the transformative power of art to cultivate empathy and encourage civil discourse. The artistic works of panelists Adriana Ramírez and Carlos Martiel will be featured during the 2019 Biennial of the Americas Festivaland the panel will be moderated by Denver’s own, Bobby LeFebre.Register here!The Biennial of the Americas 2019 Festival will bringmore than 30 international speakers from15 different countries to Denverfor four days of diverse programming featuring art exhibitions, musical performances, clínica workshops and speaker eventsthatexplore the theme of "Empathy in Action."Explore thefull festival schedule and lineup at www.biennialoftheamericas.org.