Untitled Final Friday is the DAM’s monthly late-night program featuring unconventional experiences developed in collaboration with local creatives and community members.
August's Untitled event highlights the creative practice of performance and dance artist Kate Speer, with the theme "A(me)ricana," inspired by "The Light Show" exhibition at the DAM.
What can you expect at this month's Untitled? An interactive baseball performance, a pie-eating contest, line dances and more!
Throughout the 2019 season, enjoy performances, tours and artmaking activities to spark your creativity. Each event includes a cash bar for adult beverages and yummy eats available from a different food truck each month.
Untitled is included in general museum admission, which is free for members and youth 18 and under every day. Students with valid ID receive two-for-one tickets during Untitled.
Untitled Final Fridays are presented by Your 6 Hometown Toyota Stores.
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Earlier Event: November 15
Fashion and Art Networking Showcase with Liv'n
Later Event: September 14
Biennial of the Americas